Saturday, December 8, 2012

#reverb12 Day 8: Your most important relationship?

Ex Votos
A shrine celebrating the avoidance of a disaster
 do to divine intervention.
In this case a train wreck in India  where no one was hurt.
Considering the idea that nothing lasts forever: what was the most important relationship that you fostered in 2012? 

How will you continue to nurture it in 2013?

Wow, that is a hard question. My very most important relationship aside from the one I have with myself is with my husband of 56 + years and then I would have to say it is with my art. It took me so many many years of excuses, explanations and fumbling with words to finally be able to say, "I am an artist." Since I was finally able to say it, and say it out loud if asked, "What do you do" I have explored so many different facets with my muse that I can only say now I am so very happy that I finally 'know' that.

A tribute to the men who lost their lives
 in the 
BP oil spill in the gulf of Mexico

I have done some techniques using encaustic s, a word I didn't even know the meaning of when I first read it,I have made some art dolls and quilts, I began and ended a sewing group, worked with Michael DeMeng type of art, taught myself how to use water color crayons on cloth and many other techniques. There are so many techniques I have tried and right now I would be hard pressed to name my favorite. Usually the favorite that I love is the one I am doing at the time I'm asked, "what is your favorite'.

Start of a page for my  first watercolor class

In the coming year, if all goes well health wise and otherwise I am going to continue pursuing my interest in all art mediums and especially watercolor  I am going to work on drawing and journaling and perfecting the use of watercolors in ways I never imagined by taking the class Life Book 2013. 

How will I nurture my art passion? I will just keep on exploring and enjoying.

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