Sunday, December 8, 2013

REVERB 13 Day 8 What went right

What went right in 2013?
Maybe you didn't quit smoking or lose those pounds or go to Paris, but something did work, did happen, and/or was realized. What was it?

Late blooming bougainvillea

What worked, what happened, what was realized. It! I think "it" would be better called "them" instead for there have been many things that worked, happened, realized.

Walking the Golden Gate Bridge was a biggie for me as was taking a hot air balloon ride. Both were on my 'bucket list'.

Working in my garden designing and creating my "garden room" was a fun accomplishment.

Undertaking and finishing up the assemblage from the drawing done by my grandson was huge.

Realizing I need to be surrounded by people that inspire I have moved away from some groups and  begun to build a new 'tribe' that inspires me.

Even though it took me almost all year to do it getting started on a journey to good health was my most important endeavor tackled this year.

Finally realizing I can't, nor do I want to, keep trying to "fix" my family. They are what they are. Not good, not bad, just is.

I am sure if I thought about it longer I would come up with more things to put on this list but for now I think this will suffice to show how my year has transpired for me. It has been filled with adventure, change realizations and aspirations. The coming year will be even better!


  1. Darlene, I am smiling and saying Hallelujahs as I read this blog post! Knowing you this year through the Daily Creative Practice and is wonderful to see you jubilant and claiming your successes--even though you didn't count all of them. I have learned to do the same thing. Instead of reaching for perfection or completeness, I am going with what I can muster for now. Congratulations on all that you did and for sharing it with the blogging world! I claim you as one of my TRIBE!

    1. Thank you Ruth, I am honored to be part of your tribe and count you as part of mine. The DAILY CREATIVE PRACTICE has been a wonderful and inspiring group to belong to and blogging about it gives me satisfaction.

  2. Congratulations on all that you have done this year! I've been across the Golden Gate several times - all with 8th grade students, trying to hold myself together in the doing of it because I'm so very terrified of heights. Congratulations on caring for yourself and doing the things that you need in order to be better for you!

    1. Thank you Jen...I can't even imagine walking across the Gate bridge if I were afraid of heights. Do your students know it before you take off? Congratulation on your successful marriage. My hubby and I have been married for 57 years last September...

  3. Your list has a lot of accomplishments, Sis, some of which I have also done but yours is very impressive. And I know you don't think of it in that way... impressive... but as goals and accomplishments.
    The not air baloon ride I know from experience, is a special one. I've done that, too and there's nothing I've found that compares with the quiet serenity of being up there like that... not even with four little kiddies on board. So,ething I'd love to do again.
    Wishing you the best yet in the coming year. Love ya.

    1. I never knew you did a hot air balloon ride...How could I not know that...we need to get together more often. Move here! Thanks for reading my blogs. Love you too sis...
