Saturday, March 1, 2014

C4 ward BLOGATHON March, Day 1

Defining Your Creative Mission

Tell us the big “why” behind the creative work you do. 

I am not sure how defining this blog is but it is what and who I am.

I am not a good writer and I am the world's worst speller. Thank goodness for spell check.  I am an avid reader of all written words no matter the genre. I love classical music and all things harmonious to the ear. I love art in all forms whether it be from trash or gold and bronze. I love making art even if no one else sees it as art. It has been only in the last few years I have begun to call myself an artist, a mixed media artist since I can never decide, and finally realize it is not important to decide, what medium I like best. I like them all!

I have calling cards, I don't call them 'business cards' since I do not have nor do I want a business. The only thing on my calling cards is my name, my email address and a short description of me. "collector and creator of stuff."  Because that is why I am, how I am and what I am. I collect,  then I create, then I am complete. I am a mixed media artist therefore I exist. 

I have no interest whatsoever to sell my art or have a business doing art. I do it for my own self satisfaction and for no other reason. Of course, whether or not we admit it we all love kudos. I do too but they are not important in the grand scheme of my life. When I  leave this earth I hope it is with a smaller footprint and to be remembered only for having a kind heart towards all animals and most of mankind.

The key words in this stage of my life are; "Do more of what makes you happy." 



  1. Darlene - I love you!! I love this post and my heart is smiling when I read you are a collector and creator of stuff!!! So glad to be doing another blog-a-thon with you my friend!

    1. Thanks much Christine...I almost dropped out of this blogathon but decided last night to stick with it...

    2. I'm so glad you did - I always love reading your posts and seeing what you are up to with your art! You inspire me!!!

  2. Darlene, may I say that my experience of your writing is that you are a WONDERFUL writer. But you are welcome to your own sense of that. I always find comfort in what you have to say. I appreciate most of all your HONESTY. And I feel that your writing helps you clarify who and what you are. I value understanding who you are and what your life has meant and means to you at this stage. My life has been broadened by your being the the creator of stuff. Thanks for being in this blogathon...make it mean something to you! If it means something to you, it will be AWESOME for us, for me. Disregard prompts that have no value for you. Some times it is fun to explore the opposite or whatever comes to you...or just post as the CREATOR of STUFF!

    1. Ruth, thanks for reading and commenting and boosting my esteem...I think we are our own worst enemies when it comes to looking at our work with an unbiased eye. Mine never quite stands up to my critique and I am amazed at some of the compliments I get on my work no matter whether it is poetry, art or writing...of course all of that is art...It makes me feel good to read I inspire people like you and Christine and makes me a tad envious of writing as interesting as Tj's and yours. In my head are all the right words but getting them on paper is quite a different thing...but I will try each day to post a blog f sorts and see what comes of it. I would like so much to be able to take part in the physical part of all that happens but know it isn't going to happen so I will continue to enjoy vicariously through you and the DCP

  3. Darlene, I love your calling card - it puts a smile in my heart! Your words are beautifully strung together and resonate deeply with me. Thank you for being you.

    1. Thank you Lee...I appreciate your taking time to read my blogs and admire my art...then giving me such positive feedback...

  4. Truth be told! Your message is clear and brave. And here you are writing a blog for 14 days. The wave of your ambition runs counter to expectations. And I REALLY like that! March on brave goddess, keep the fires of truth burning.

    1. Thank you Maggie...I enjoy doing the blogs but some times feel such pressure to keep them up...will give this one my best shot...

  5. Darlene, I can never hear that mantra enough: Do more of what makes you happy. yes.yes. and so easy to lose sight of. & by the way I am v.glad you choose to both make and share your art. Peace baby.

    1. Oh Callahan...I decided to adopt that mantra when I got bogged down in doing what every one else wanted leaving no time to do what I wanted..It has served me well this past couple of years and I intend to keep doing more of what makes me happy...Thanks for stopping by...
