Friday, March 14, 2014

C4ward Blogathon March. Day 15


  • What have you learned about yourself?
  • What connections have you made with other artists?
  • Did you find a rhythm and style to express yourself about your art through blogging?
  • Did you discover anything new about your relationship to your art?
  • Do you have any better understanding of the role you play as an artist in your community?
  • Is blogging a worthwhile activity?
  • What do you need to keep you blogging regularly?
  • What questions do you have?

This C4 blogathon has completely worn me out. I stay up too late trying to figure out what to write then I am disappointed in what I eventually do put on paper so for this one last blog I am not thinking or staying up late to find photos...I am using some information I copied from a posting I came across. I do not remember what it was or where I read it but some of you might recognize it. If so, just let me know and I will add the necessary credits.

This was a post about having a healthy body, a self-sufficient system and the input we need to have it. Here is what I copied and I believe every word of it...

The one thing this amazingly self-sufficient system needs from you is better input. A host of things constitute better input:
- Whatever makes you happier.
- Being more relaxed and accepting.
- Strong self-esteem, a sense of worth.
- Being of service to others, giving.
- Showing generosity of spirit.
- Loving, nurturing relationships.
- Any activity that makes you feel light in mind and body.
- Taking time to play, and having a playful attitude.
- Not stressing out other people.
- Devoting yourself to projects that have real meaning and purpose.
- Being self-aware.
- Expanding our awareness. Growing and maturing from the inside.
- Being comfortable with your inner world.
- Working through negative emotions like anger, envy, and fear.
- Self-acceptance.
- Reverence for Nature.
- Faith and a belief in a higher power, whatever that may be.

These images are from the year long class I  took called Life Book 2013 from Tammy Laporte at Willowing Arts Ltd


  1. Wow, Darlene, you went out with a bang, not a whisper. Beautiful list. That's a good one to put on the wall.

    1. Thanks for all the responses you have written on my blogs...I really appreciate the support you have given me...
