Wednesday, June 18, 2014


This week Denise ask us to reflect on what has happened since the last winter solstice and what our aspirations are by the next winter solstices

Wow...lots of things have transpired in my life since last solstice in December  2013.  I am celebrating having more time to do what I want.  I dropped out of my Altered Minds art group and filled my time with sewing and some art projects I wanted to do but put off.  I tend to be hermit like so I am trying to find outside activities to join in but so far I have not found any that appeal to me. We are soon to become a one car family so I have to take that into consideration when looking. 






I will know when I have succeeded in my quest to declutter when I no longer feel like I am drowning in stuff

...TO DO LIST... 
(Things I want to finish by years end)

Wedding book
Life Book 2013
Trip to see daughter in Washington
Finish that damn hand sewn tee shirt

There are other things I want to do but these are the ones nagging at me far too long.


 The biggest challenge in my life,  in everything I do,  is to learn to let go. Physically, mentally and emotionally. 

Continuing with the theme of changing seasons, at the end of this week we will celebrate the June 2014 solstice.
I invite us to think back six months ago to the last solstice, December 2013.
What has happened in this period that you would like to celebrate? What has happened in this period that you wish had been different? Is there anything else significant you'd like to mention?
Now think forward to the next solstice, December 2014.
What do you hope to accomplish between now and then? How will you know you've achieved success? What will it look like? What challenges do you anticipate? How will you help yourself over them?
Answer all, some or none of these questions. Perhaps the simple theme of 'change' resonates with you more.

Saturday, June 14, 2014


Trish asked us to do post on Summer related photos or anything we wanted related to summer...I live in Florida so summer to me is the least desirable time of year...We have bugs, heat, humidity and storms. The storms I like the most. I love when the clouds swirl overhead and the rain bombards us with drops the size of bullets: and if you go outside it feels like you are getting pelted with bb's...Did I say I love the storms? Sometimes the thunder is so loud you can not hear yourself think. The poor dog runs for cover or cowers and tries to climb onto your lap for protection and solace. Then the rain stops, the heat builds up until you feel like you are in a sauna. That is summer in Florida.

But also, as in many other areas, summer includes swimming and BBq's... and beautiful sunsets. Here are some photos of summer...

Sunday, June 8, 2014


Not having read Peter London's book "No More Secondhand Art"  I am just going to follow Ruth's list in order and see what I come up with.  To start here are a few of the words I chose to describe me and use for my metaphoric objectification. I am sure there are many more.


The first object that came to my mind when I spent time contemplating this prompt was a map. I love maps. I can get lost in maps, reading the exotic names and places, looking closer at the shapes of countries and the information given on each one. Dreaming of what it would be like to travel there or live there. Local maps show the many roads to adventure. I have never made a wrong turn on a road. It may not have been my original intention to turn down a particular road but once I do I just consider it an opportunity to see whatever is there or have an unscheduled adventure. Maps pretty well represent four of my personal characteristics. Stubbornness, curiosity, determination and restlessness. You've heard of restless leg syndrome, well I have restless feet syndrome. These characteristics have gotten me into trouble more than one time but I love that they are inherent in me all the same. I love and will always take the road less traveled literally or metaphorically.

The second character I picked as one that is inherent in me is tenacious. I looked it up to make sure I chose correctly and all the synonyms listed for tenacious fit me to a tee. Persistent, determined, strong willed, patient, etc...I have been accused of being  obstinate on more than one occasion but once I make up my mind 'it don't change'. The object I chose for my tenacious character is my wedding ring that I have worn for almost 58 years. . My persistence, determination and strong will, sometimes called obstinance  has worked well for me on many occasions during my  lifetime when without those character I may have given up many times over. It also represents continuity which my life has been and faithful, another words that describes me. 

I chose a pencil and sharpener as my metaphoric object for creative as that is where I turn to when I first start my creative process. Sometimes the ideas come to me in my dreams, or when I am driving down the road and now when I am dancing intuitively or I'm walking around my block but always they go on paper first after that. I either sketch them or write down ideas so a sharp pencil (I detest dull pencils)  is what I need to get started. I love this pencil sharpener which has been my faithful companion for so many years. When Bob ask me if there was anything special I wanted for our 25 anniversary I said I wanted a pencil sharpener.( I told you I take the road less traveled.) You can only imagine how happy I was to receive this workhorse. It has sat beside my work space for 25 plus years and has never failed me.Unless I forget to empty the shavings out.

I chose this mirror as my object depicting my moodiness and tendency to be reflective when I get into a 'mood'.  I tend to dwell on events and over think.  Trying to work out the outcome or see if I could have done something differently, changed the end result or just not let it happen. I also have chosen this particular mirror because it is hinged and can be open or closed and because of the seashell decoration on the face of it. Sea shells have always reminded me of the open water and to look beyond the horizon, to dream the impossible. The freedom to just be.

The hinges on the mirror show the two sides of me. I am the mirror. Sometimes I am open and give freely of myself and other times I am closed and want to be left alone.  I don't like being moody but I am and when I get into a mood I just need to be left alone and allowed to sink into it and work it out.

So now I am at the end of my week of putting together my metamorphic objects and their meanings. I have only the 5 objects but I think that must be all I need. A map, a ring, a pencil and sharpener and a mirror.

I am using the map as a base since movement and adventure are a big part of my life. Movement for physical health and adventure for mental health. The other metamorphic objects are all of great value in my life so they are placed together  in the middle of my map. The wedding ring because it is most important to me. It cautions me that I need my persistence, determination and strong will to help me navigate through what remains of my life. The pencil sharpener goes smack in the middle also so it is readily available to capture any and all creative images and words that may flit through my consciousness and record them as my own. And lastly is the mirror. It is my anchor. It reminds to take time to be reflective and time to be open, free and giving.  It is what keeps me grounded and sane.