Sunday, December 2, 2012

#reverb12 Day 2: Your most significant spend?

What was your most significant expenditure in 2012?

It doesn't have to be necessarily the biggest expenditure, just the one with the most impact.

What difference has it made to your life?

I am not much of a shopper though I do like the internet shopping so I have not spent a 'significant' amount of money this past year. I do think my most 'significant spend' would have to be 'time'. I have spent an inordinate amount of time working with a group of friends in a sewing group. I wanted to help them  step out of their box and do more unique and creative sewing. It has not worked out too well and after the workshop in December I am disbanding the group. I want to have the extra time to "do more things that make me happy." Working with my art, reading and writing makes me happy, and in between those three things I will exercise more.

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