Monday, December 3, 2012

#reverb12 Day 4: How will you celebrate YOU?

How are you going to celebrate your self this festive season? 

How will I celebrate me? After making the life altering decision to "unplug' from all the crap emails I get in the way of journals and newsletters I am going to celebrate freedom. I can't begin to tell you how it feels to be free of all that information that was weighing me down. Now I can open my email in the mornings and read interesting things from friends, leave it for the rest of the day or answer it right off if I have time.  Then I can go about doing what makes me happy and know when I open it the next day it will not be loaded with trivial, repeating emails and newsletters. I will still get a couple of emails from people I would rather not get from but for the sake of hurt feelings I will continue to receive them and just delete with out opening.

I celebrate the very best life possible in the very best, with all it's faults, country on earth . I celebrate knowing that when I get up in the mornings I am free to do what I want with no repercussions. I will celebrate family, I will celebrate the talent I was born with and cultivate to the max. I celebrate the child I was as it made me the woman I have become. I celebrate me!

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