Thursday, August 22, 2013


August Moon 

Seize the season

"We are about to enter into a gentler season i.e. Autumn/Fall if you're in the Northern Hemisphere, Spring if you're in the Southern Hemisphere. For me, these seasons often feel like a relief after the intensity of Summer and Winter. How do you intend to transition into the new season?"

4 o'clocks growing under a totem of stacked chairs

I live in Florida so my soon to be fall season has not changed much from the intense heat we get this time of year but I do have plans for the upcoming cool seasons.

I am allergic to the sun, breaking out in an itchy rash every time I spend a few minutes in it. Even sun screen does not always stop it completely so I stay indoors most of the warm weather time when the sun is at its worst. I get ‘cabin fever’ during the summer instead of winter. Because of that I am looking forward to spending some time outdoors.

I will be doing some art I have put off waiting for cool weather and shade to arrive again in my outdoor studio. The most ambitious art project will be re-making my bottle wall that did not hold up as well as I wished it would have considering the work my husband put into it. There are other smaller art projects but that is the biggest one on my list.

Because I hate the word exercise and have been very lax in getting enough of it, exercise is very high up on my list of priorities for the coming season and hopefully far beyond. I will start by walking each day and progress to bike riding.

I will be working into my daily agenda a time to meditate and cleanse the soul so that I am more open to ideas and inspiration.

Also very high up on my list of things to do is to pay better attention to my general physical health by eating better and more healthy.

So for me it will be, more art, more exercise, more relaxing. All of those wishes will create a more healthy well rounded mind, body and soul. That is what I have on my wish list for the fall and winter and spring


  1. I love the way you have plans to nurture your mind, body and soul here. May your Autumn be glorious!

  2. Your plans are just so good - I do wish you all the luck with them all.
