Wednesday, August 28, 2013


August Moon

There are only four months left of 2013. Have you accomplished your goals for the year?
What do you need to prioritize to end the year on a high note?

I think I did okay on completing most of my goals for the year. I won't go into the ones I did or did not accomplish since they have already been addressed in one way or another. I have either ignored them for whatever reason or I am working on them. But to accomplish the important ones for the coming year and to end this year on a positive note I have started doing some of the things I didn't do before.

I am trying to stay positive with my thoughts, actions and emotions and making sure I have time each day for myself. I will make sure to fit in some social activities for hubby and I to enjoy together as often as possible  and I will make time for an artist date every week. Just for me! I will laugh more and not be embarrassed if I feel a need to cry.  I will not allow myself to be disappointed in anything that is not in my control. I will continue to make my health a huge priority even if it means seeing a doctor, eating right and making sure I get enough exercise. I will work hard to keep up with my journal(ing)  as it keeps me grounded. Then, if at the end of the next year I have not completely accomplished all of my goals, I will know I have tried my best. 

The most important thing I need to do to accomplish my goals is to prioritize my time...

If Only
If only I could find some time
to sit and write a little rhyme
of places I would like to go
but first I need to sit and sew.

If only I could find some time
I would sit and write a little rhyme
about people I would like to meet
my oh my wouldn't that be sweet

If only I could find some time
to sit and write a little rhyme
to all the friends I would like to see
then we could visit over a cup of tea

If only I could find some time
I would sit and write a little rhyme
about all the things I want to do
but I will have to bid you all adieu

Since I just can't find any free time

Darlene Sperber


  1. Darlene! I am so impressed that you are publishing so early in the day! Congratulations! And again, I amazed that we share so many goals in common.

    I think we need to be in the moment and leave judgement behind.

    I have a mantra: Not good. Not bad. Just is.

  2. It is great to see that many others have the same situations as me. It makes me feel so much more normal when I read others goals.

    I hope that you have luck in your goals and that you stay positive!

  3. I'm sending good thoughts that you continue with the goal to take care of yourself and your health - this is SO big for many of us, yet SO IMPORTANT to take care of ourselves/our health if we want to accomplish our goals, big or small.
    I'm loving your poems too!!

  4. YES to laughing more! The most wonderful goal of all. x
