Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Today is my 75th birthday and I love it. I am at the age where everything is falling into place. I have no real obligations to babies and kiddies other than to love them  unconditionally, I have more then I need of most things and can usually do whatever touches my fancy. Life is good

Giant tissue paper  flowers
My granddaughter is having a DIY wedding for the most part so along with celebrating my birthday I spent the day, or at least part of it, working on some giant tissue flowers for my grand daughter's maids of honor  I have 4 almost finished and should be able to finish them off tomorrow. Then I will make one for her. The same but a little different. It was a lot of fun making them and when finished I will be working on the corsages for moms etc...These flowers are about 16 inches across so the corsages will be considerable smaller...

The flowers are easy and there was a tutorial online for several different versions but she liked this one. The hardest part was finding the tissue paper in the right colors. I will add a stem and a couple of leaves to these and call them finished. 


  1. Happy Happy Birthday Darlene! Thanks for sharing your birthday with us here in blogging land! I appreciate you and your photos, projects, poems, family, food, yard work, art, everything. LIFE IS GOOD! Big ethersphere hugs for you!

  2. Happy belated birthday!

    Your granddaughter is lucky to have you on her DIT (Do-It-Team ;) ). Those tissue paper flowers remind me of the hundreds of coffee filter poof-balls that we made to decorate the tents we used for our outdoor ceremony a year and a half ago. It wound up looking wonderful, but it was a ton of work. Congratulations to her on her marriage!
