Saturday, October 19, 2013


I feel like I am drowning in flowers though I guess there are worse ways to drown but I need to get finished so I can move on. 

Yesterday, after getting the papers made I got "it" assembled per directions on Martha's tutorial but I was not happy with the outcome. I followed the directions exactly other than making my own paper which is pretty but difficult (stiff) to work with compared to crepe paper. But I folded and tweaked and played with it until it did what I wanted. 

I got up this morning, took one look and decide I don't like it. That means I need to disassemble it and remake which I did but then decided it was too big so I again disassembled it and made it smaller..Still not happy because of stability issues I then took it apart one more time. ...This time instead of florist tape (first and second time) or wire (third time was wire) I used a glue gun and wire...first gluing the petals in place then cinching them up with wire...I only burned myself a dozen times with hot glue but I think the petals are there to stay.

I finished wiring the leaves in place and covering the stem with florist tape used a  glue gun again to make sure leafs stay where I want them...After that covered the whole stem with green fabric.  Tomorrow I will touch up with paint and perhaps even paint the stem after using fabric stiffener on it making a better paintable surface. All this to create the right look...

Before doing that I need to decide on the length of the stem.Right now it is long perhaps 30 inches. That does not look too long for the size of the flower but I am wondering about carrying it down the aisle in her dress. I need to make a decision before I finish the stem. 

For the remainder of the weekend I will let it hang around my studio while I get the remainder of my Monday's workshop put together...Maybe by Tuesday when I am free again I will know what to do...

1 comment:

  1. I love the progress you made today. The white rose is lovely!
