Monday, October 21, 2013


Just Practice
Today I toted a cart load of materials and supplies over to the workshop with my sewing group. I showed them how to use the various materials I brought along (see previous blogs for details) to color their fabric designs. We are a small group of sewers but we had a great time and I learned a few tips and techniques from them which I will post about later after I have time to give them a try. So my giant rose is finished, my workshop is over and all I need to do now is put a stem on the 4 tissue flowers I made before and get my house and garden ready for my daughter's arrival from soon. 

And not to forget my acquisitions. My friend's mom died and she inherited her mom's yarn. Not being a knitter or crocheter she offered the yarn to the members who were at the workshop today. I said I would take whatever is left after the others took what they wanted. I have a friend who makes things for charity and because of her financial situation she takes donations. I did not look in the van with the yarn before holding my hand up and saying "me, me, me...pick me" Later, after everyone was finished we went out so we could load the bags of yarn into my car. I kid you not, I have a Ford Escape and I could  hardly close my doors after we finished.  In fact I needed to stop at the grocery store and pick up a couple of things and had to stash them under the dash on the passenger side. I told her what we needed to do was open a yarn shop. All my Bob could say when he came out to help me with the groceries was, "Oh what did you bring home?" There is a large trash bag each of every color and a couple of bags of mixed colors. Mostly all 4 ply but some 2 ply. But the word will go out and I will be able to dispose of the skeins of yarn easily. It will all be put to good use.  

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah for you making sure valuable materials get to the right people who can use them! Sounds like you had a rewarding day!
