Tuesday, October 22, 2013


Some of us are collectors and some of us are not. I can't even imagine what it would be like to be a minimalist, having only what is needed and nothing extra though there are many times I think it would be rather wonderful to not have so much 'stuff' clinging to my soul, taking up space, screaming to be used. But alas, by trying to leave a smaller footprint on our planet, by recycling and repurposing other's cast offs  I collect and therefore have way too much stuff...I rationalize my actions by saying to myself I am keeping it out of the landfill. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. 

Guest room waiting for the bed
Today was spent moving some of my 'stuff' from one place to another to make space for a guest room without having to give up my sewing studio. Did I ever say how hard it is for Bob and I to work together doing a job like this. It is...but we finally got it all done, the carpet is being cleaned as I write and tomorrow it will all be history.
Converted closet sewing space
I will have a sewing space and a guest room and Bob and I will have averted WW 3 yet again. 

In 1979 I bought myself a MGB convertible though not sure if it comes any other way. It was English racing green in color and I loved that car as did my youngest son Barry. In fact he may have had a greater love for it then I did. I kept it in the garage on carpet, drove it only from April through September and then stored it for the winter and cried when I sold it in 1995 after moving from Indiana to Washington state. I am writing about the car because...

In the process of doing all this moving around  I came across a keepsake I had forgotten about. Here is one of the things I have kept all these many years though it is not in the same class as "my stuff' it is never the less very precious to me. Barry bought this for me when I first purchased my MGB and it resided on my rear view mirror for the entire time I owned the car. It clips on if you pinch the front legs together. After selling the car my little bear has clipped on to various surfaces in the parts of my home I call "my space" as a reminder of the small but important things in my life. 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely, lovely keepsake of the koala bear! The stuff of life some times becomes a huge management issue, yet you seem to be able to step up to the plate and manage yours and without WWIII!

    For the most part, we don't miss the things once we manage to get rid of them--right?
