Sunday, December 1, 2013

REVERB 13 Day 1...On your first day

"How do you feel, on this first day, in your mind? In your body? In your heart? In your soul?"

How do I feel today on this first day of Reverb 13? 

My mind is in a swirl with all the plans and goals for 2014 I have been putting into place the last few days. My mind is clear with my intentions. My mind is mindful.

My body is feeling good with all the added exercise I have gotten in the last few days of walking, hiking and sleeping soundly. My body is feeling good from being nourished with only what is needed to make me healthy.  

My heart sings with the joy of waking up and knowing that today is going to be the best day of my life. My heart sings with gratitude for my good fortune.

My soul is content! 


  1. Yeah for singing souls!!! So glad to participate in Reverb13 with you Darlene! Looking forward to your writing and creative ideas.

  2. Darlene! I am just now reading this on day 3 of Reverb and am so happy to see you experiencing this kind of contentment! Thanks!
