Tuesday, December 17, 2013

REVERB 13 Day 17 It's your word

What word did you select to be your travelling companion in 2013? What gifts did this word bring?
 What word will you choose to guide you through 2014? What do you hope it will bring into your life?

I have two words for this blog. I would have to say the word selected for my traveling companion in the past year  is "change."...Even though it took me most of the year to finally admit to myself I needed to make changes. I have successfully made many of them and will continue making changes until I am satisfied with my life again.  This is the word I chose to get me going with all the goals I set for myself. My second word is "determination". These two words together, "change" and "determination" I will help me realize my goals for the coming year and forever after. 


  1. I think mine for 2014 will be "Improve"... my healtn, my body, my ambition, my writing. There's a lot of room for improvement in all of those areas.

    1. Sis...I sure hope you succeed in making some improvement in your quest for better health and with that will come better everything...just make a plan and then stick with it...Love you!

  2. Great words!!! It's going to be a terrific year Darlene!!

    1. Thanks Christine. I hope it is as good as I will try to make it be. You have been a great inspiration to me to make these changes and stick with them.

  3. You are a dynamo Darlene! I watched you clean out your studios and a guest bedroom, prepare classes, help make a wedding dress, etc....you can do anything you want! I love the word DETERMINATION but want to suggest that you put some FUN into the equation....but maybe it already there!

    1. I don't feel like a dynamo Ruth. I feel so completely depleted and depressed but not sure why. I love reading your blogs with the up beat tone to them. I try to feed off some of that elation and bring myself up with it but it is not working ...maybe it is the season or the short days or what ever...I feel like I have lost something important to me but not sure what...but it will pass...of that I am sure.

  4. Great choices, Darlene. I like the way you've chosen them with love and compassion, so that they don't turn around and punish you in the course of the year (words can be tricky like that!).
