Wednesday, December 18, 2013

REVERB 13, Day 18 Peace

Today's prompt and image come from poet of the soul, Liz Amaya. One of the many reasons I love Liz is the way she shares tiny moments of awe from her daily life with her beautiful family and travels to extraordinary places. Just glimpsing her avatar brings me a moment of calm.
 Liz writes:
I am often surprised where I find peace, it is usually in the midst of chaos. In the midst of living, did you find moments to breathe? Were there moments that held you in the embrace of peace and quiet and pure contentment? Did these moments catch you by surprise or did you create the space for peace to find you?
Thank you, Liz! 
I want to add: how will you make space for greater peace in 2014? Because it’s hard to imagine anything more important.


I have not been able to write a proper response to this prompt. Perhaps because I am not at peace with myself. I feel very down but don't know why. I feel very out of sorts and not able to concentrate or focus but don't know why.  I have a long list of projects to finish or start but can't seem to get going on any of them. I have not done any art at all since I finished the flowers for my grand daughter's wedding unless sewing two garments is called art.  Perhaps it is more of a craft or skill. Art is creating and needs to come from the heart and my heart is not open or receptive to creating right now. Why is that? Is that the cause of not being at peace with myself or is it the effect of not being at peace with myself? Have I put too much of myself into the outside and not enough into whats inside? Is this going to last forever? Is there any such thing as forever? Do I need a change of scenery or should I be content with where I am? Does my near future hold more of the same frustrations? All I seem to be able to come up with are questions when what I'm really looking for are answers. Looking for something to hang on to until this passes and pass it will.

I feel confident that eventually I will get over these doldrums and get back to being creatively productive but in the mean time I feel so very discombobulated. 

 how will you make space for greater peace in 2014?........I do not know but I do hope for a better response to the next prompt!

The above writing was my blog for the prompt of Peace on the 18th. I was going to delete it but since my blogs are a diary of sorts I decided to keep it as a reminder of where not to let myself go.

This morning I decided enough was enough so got my self out of bed, did some stretching and then a walk around my garden to catch some sunshine and some positive feelings and then off to the gym I went. It worked. Today is such a better day and I found peace in the serenity of the winter garden marveling at the difference a season can make. Here are some photos I took as I meandered around with my faithful companion, Marshal.


  1. Dear Darlene, I so appreciate your honesty and truly trust in the process of proclaiming wherever you are whenever you need to. I hear your pain. I do. And it after watching you move like a whirlwind of activity for the past months think it is reasonable that you have slowed way down to where you are now. Especially after your taking on some much about your health care and physical well-being. It makes sense to me that now you need to rest. See what your body is telling you. Breathe. Practice that self-compassion. I also think it may have something to do with the shortest, darkest day of the year approaching. Don't we relate to light? Our spirits and our bodies? Aren't you being asked to open yourself to your cycle of life and let it flow? Rest. Seek the light. Rest. I love it that your questions took you out into your garden. Love the photos. Love you and your journey.

    1. Thank you Ruth for reading and understanding what I wrote about and why I kept it as a reminder to stop and smell the roses, breathe and rest both physically,emotionally and mentally..

  2. I so agree with Ruth and love your authenticity Darlene. As I read your post I was thinking about the big shift you are going through with your routine and health, etc. Remember to be gentle with yourself my friend - you have big things happening and like a sprout working in the rich, dark, fertile soil you will be bursting forth into the sunshine soon. Much love heading your way. - C

    1. Thank you Christine. I appreciate all the support I get when I need it most.

  3. I always respect and love your honest views of yourself and others, Sis. I can understand this post maybe more than you think. We need to stop sometimes and take hold of the here and now, whether good or not so good (in our own opinions)
    Your yard probably looks a bit different than when we were last there, but still beautiful, an excellent place for contemplating, deep thinking (just ask Marshall)
    I love the pictures and your straight forward way of expressing yourself. Much love sent your way, Sis.

    1. Thanks sis for being there...yes, the yard does look a lot different then when you were here...and it changes seasonally...

  4. Darlene, this is my first experience with your blog. Wow, I thought. I can't give answers, but I can offer that this too will pass. I feel where you're coming from and I know that even a map with the way out clearly indicated will not bring joy. Your pictures are lovely. Nice place you made for yourself. Wasn't it you wrote that piece about compassion for self that I saw here a day or two ago? Beautiful.

    1. Thank you so very much for coming to read my blogs. I appreciate you support and confidence that things will pass and the way forward will appear. Yes, you did read my other blog about compassion and thank you for the compliment on it. and for the appreciation of my photo journey around my garden.

  5. You have captured such peace in your photos, Darlene.
    I love the way you were open to the questions without forcing the answers. Sometimes, just asking is all we need to do. The answers will come with time. xx
