Friday, December 20, 2013

REVERB 13 Day 20..The way forward..

Forward is the only direction.
The mirror never lies, but everything in it is backwards. 
Look at what you see in the mirror. How does it change if you view yourself with eyes that can only look forward?

When we travel down this path we have chosen for this life we have many people passing through our life doing the same thing. Traveling their own path. Our paths may cross only once or they may cross many times and each time it will be different in so many ways. They may become friends, lovers or our enemies. Sometimes all three. They may become our children or friends of our children but each and every person that passes through our life will have a lesson for us to learn. Whether or not we choose to learn that lesson will depend on how we travel our path. Will it be with tunnel vision looking only straight ahead into the mirror? Seeing only what is behind us?

The mirror has two faces. That which is and that which is an illusion allowing us to see only what we chose to see. Do we settle for only the illusion,  that which is behind us, not looking to the future, ignoring all that is exciting and interesting all around us. Do we take the safe road. Keeping our eyes focused on the illusion in the mirror.


Do we open our hearts and eyes and marvel at what we have created in our lives. Taking time to enjoy the fruits of our labors and the labors of others that have crossed our paths.  Moving forward to new, exciting but uncharted paths. Welcoming new experiences and living life to it's fullest. 


That is the only way forward! 


  1. Darlene thanks for discussing this topic some. I love the idea of the two faces we see when looking into the mirror--the real and the illusion. I choose to open my heart and eyes and to envision wonder and beauty. Good bye to dinosaurs!

  2. LOVE! LOVE! LOVE this response - so glad we are looking past the illusion to the wonder that surrounds us :) Yes! Yes! Yes! I'm with you :)

  3. Ruth and Christine, Thanks for following my blog this /December...glad teh time is over with and now on to a photo a day for Ruth's blogs...

  4. The perfect way to start a new year. xx
