Saturday, December 21, 2013

REVERB 13 Day 21...On the last day

Kat wrote;

It's hard to believe today is the last day of Reverb13!

From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for journeying with me.

Some of you have responded on your blogs every single day. Others have dipped in and out, depending on the extent to which the prompt spoke to you and/or time permitted. Others combined the Reverb13 prompts here with other blog challenges. And the majority of you responded privately, in your journals and in your hearts. I am so grateful for each and every one of you: no matter how you participated, you need to know that your presence was truly felt.

And the love and support you have shown each other as you have commented on each other's blogs and retweeted each other's posts has seriously blown me away.

I am going to miss interacting with you every day and feel more than a little sad that this part of our journey is coming to an end.

But, as you and I know, this is really just the beginning. Because this is the bit where we see the results of all our magic and manifesting from the past 21 days.

Twenty one days ago Kat McNally sent out this  prompt to all of us on REVERB 13

"It is the first day of December. It is the first day of Summer here in the Southern Hemisphere, but it may the first day of Winter where you are.

It is the first day of Reverb13.

How do you feel, on this first day, in your mind? In your body? In your heart? In your soul?"

Here is a link to my blog if you are interested in what I wrote for the first day of December 2013

Now on this 21st day of December Kat McNally writes;

"Today, I'd like you to revisit what you wrote on 1 December on the first day of Reverb13. How does that compare to where you are now?

Then, without thinking too hard about it, grab a pen and some paper and finish the following five sentences:

2014 is going to be MY YEAR because...I have a plan for my life but will leave room for spontaneity so that my psyche does not become stale and I do not miss opportunities that may come along.

In 2014, I am going to ...finish a  goodly amount of the projects I have started and the other ones I will decide if I am ever going to or even want to finish them and if not will dispose of them to some one who will...that will help to clear out my 'space' allowing more sunshine to flow through my psyche.

In 2014, I am going to feel...the best I have ever felt in my life because I have revamped my eating habits and a marvelous exercise program going on and most important of all I have supportive friends who encourage and keep me motivated.

In 2014, I am not going to...allow myself time for self pity, depression or complain if things do not work out as I planned. I know that it is the way it is suppose to be and I will learn to work with and learn from it.

In December 2014... I am going to look back and say...This has been the most rewarding, productive, happy and positive year I have ever experienced in my entire life and I will extend my good feelings into the year 2015 and beyond.


  1. Yahoooo for completing #Reberb13 and for having such great answers to the 2014 questions - it's going to be a great year!!!

  2. Hurray for blogging 21 days continuously! You have definitely developed a blogging muscle! 2013 has been wonderful seeing your life and share it with you through blogging! I get so much from what you have to say and the way you live your life! Thank you!

  3. May all of this marvellousness come to pass!
    Thank you for your wonderful responses to the Reverb13 prompts, Darlene. It's been a pleasure to read them.
