Wednesday, December 11, 2013

REVERB 13...Day 11 Boldly go

Prayer flag

What challenges lie ahead in 2014? How might you meet them boldly?

I am pretty sure there will be many challenges ahead of me in the coming year but I think my biggest and hardest will be to keep up with my health goals. My health has always taken a back burner and I am trying hard to change that by going to the gym several days each week..trying to make it 5 with one day of walking and one day of playing with my love...Setting doctor appointments for after the first of the year and eating right. Lastly but for sure not the least is 'keeping a positive attitude'.

I will meet any and all challenges boldly with strength and determination and the knowledge I have gained from having a strong will and a tribe, though small at this time,  supports me with encouragement, helpful advise and good will. 


  1. Darlene! Your 2014 goals of good health are inspiring me! I need to work on being physically fit too! Let's support each other in this endeavor. It helps to have companions to work out with. It has been great joining the gym a 1/2 mile away and walking there with my husband, doing our workout, and walking back together. I am glad that your husband has joined the gym with you. I also need to make some doctor appointments so you are serving as a good reminder. Wishing us both good improved health in 2014.

    1. Bob and I are headed to the gym in a short while. It would be nice if we could walk there or even ride bikes but 8 miles is too far to walk and biking is too dangerous on those roads...Good luck Ruth and enjoy your workouts with Tony. I find my days are going so much better after working out.

  2. Yeah for taking care of you :) Remember to be gentle with yourself. You are making big changes and anytime you need to reach out to this tribe member I'll be here. (((hugs))) Joe and I went to Zumba class together at the Y this morning - fun times!

    1. Thanks Christine...I would eventually like to do a zumba class...need to find a beginner one first...

  3. You have good goals. I used to belong to Silver Sneakers, maybe I still do, will have to check on that. I'm not sure about physical requirements since I now have a real problem with balance, etc. But there must be somethings I can do. After the first of the year Sal and I both can check into it all. He can't drive yet after the back surgery and a couple of setbacks. He sees his nurologist today so hopefully we'll know more.
    You really7 are inspiring, you know. Love ya, Sis.

    1. Sis, Today at the gym there was a fellow in a wheel chair...he hoisted himself up on the machine, adjusted it a tad and did a few reps...every little bit helps...I don't know what his problem was other then he was in the wheelchair but he didn't let that stop him from trying...he did every machine there...all the ones for his legs and give it a try whenever you might be amazed at how much improvement to your health you will see...

  4. Sounds to me like whatever comes your way, you'll be fine Darlene. x
