Thursday, December 12, 2013

REVERB 13..Day 12 Turning Mud to Gold

I'm a big fan of muddy experiences. They become our greatest teachers when we're wise enough to exfoliate with them; roll around in the deep until we finally feel ready to get clean. 
Today, identify something muddy that kept recurring for you throughout 2013, and then ask yourself this: What's the clear truth underneath this damn mud if I finally wash myself clean?

I really didn't have any reoccurring "muddy experiences" during 2013 other then the disappointment in one of the groups I belonged to. I have learned to surround myself with people that inspire so I have removed myself from that group. Now I am surrounded by a group of inspirational people. 

The truth I learned from this experience is that there is a time for everything and to let go when that time is over with..

That has opened new doors and allowed me to do more of what makes me happy.


  1. Darlene, I just wrote a blog about the same thing--relationships. How to turn these experiences to gold? I believe it is to learn how to keep making constructive choices about who we are going to spend our time with. I am glad to be spending time with you. Lovely photos here.

    1. You are right Ruth...Life is all about choices. I think we are both on the right track with our choices now!

  2. Letting go an certainly be hard, Darlene. But it sounds like it was the right thing for you and that the rewards were quick to find you. x
