Wednesday, January 8, 2014

MY WORD...2014

I finally found my word for the year! came to me as I was reading one of the post on Facebook. "Aspire."Here is the definition according to Webster... 
as·pire (-spr)
intr.v. as·pired, as·pir·ing, as·pires
1. To have a great ambition or ultimate goal; desire strongly: aspired to stardom.
2. To strive toward an end: aspiring to great knowledge.
3. To soar.

My word for the year and beyond.  and it is exactly what I am doing. 

I aspire to be a better mother, grandmother and wife and if possible to be a better artist. I guess I can sum it up by saying I aspire to be a better person in all I undertake.

Here is a photo which has nothing at all to do with this blog but it is a piece of art I did a few years ago. I was teaching my doll group how to do sculpted clay faces. When teaching a class of novices I have always found it easier if every one did the same thing so we choose to do a Humpty Dumpty doll. This is my version of Humpty Dumpty. His brother and he is a bit of a rake. He was given a name by my son but for the life of me I can't remember what it was. He now resides in my son's home and is quite happy there. 

His head, arms and legs are made of paper clay over a large Styrofoam egg and then detailed features are done with air dry clay and painted. He has a cloth body with a wire armature. Later I made him a wall to sit on and gave him a cigar and bottle of rum

His belly has a tattoo of a woman's face. We can only assume it is of an old flame of his and he had many. 

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