Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Today was an infuriating day of phone calls and stupid people answering them and the doctor appointments with new doctors when I want my old ones and frustration at the feeling of losing control of my life and destiny and not knowing what to do about it. By days end I needed to clear my head and get control of my emotions (blood pressure) and thoughts so Marshal and I headed out with the camera for some photo taking..nothing memorable but a chance to try the new features out I have on my camera..Here are the best of the shots I took...

I always take a 'shadow' shot when I go walking if there is a shadow...
Here is one of Marshal and I on the way home..late afternoon shadows are so different then morning ones which is what I usually get

I love the feature that picks out the brightest colors and leaves the rest in gray tones.

Love the way the sun picks out the patterns..

And my favorite..Marshal's tongue

I will have to say I feel so much better now than I did a couple of hours ago...


  1. I love the roses & the tongue!!! So cool. I am glad you are feeling better my friend!

    1. Thanks Christine...it is getting better...today the cable guy was here for two hours and still has not figured out th problem...coming back later today...hope to get to some art work today...
